Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Dino Park - Lemahsugih, Majalengka

Had been a long time not posting in my blog. Kinda miss to share my journey..
Well, now I'll share one of my trip to Majalengka. This is my first time there and I enjoy it. Beautiful village, wonderful people, and of course very great great experience.
More information (I get it from internet): 

Nama tempat : Kawasan Wisata Dino (Taman Buana Marga dan Buana Puri Taman)
Alamat: jl raya padarek desa lemah putih

Kecamatan: lemah sugih
Kabupaten/Kota: majalengka
Propinsi: Jawa Barat
Negara: Indonesia

*another blog that share about this place, check this out